Best Western or Sandman which hotel would you choose By Kassandra Paulino
Where would you stay?
By Kassandra Paulino
We all use hotels for business trips or just for vacation with friends and family. When searching for a hotel some people use different websites but others use social media like Facebook to gather information about hotels, like Best Western and Sandman. The Best Western Facebook page shows rewards, promotions, discounts, coupons and advertisements. For example, Best Western has an app where you collect points with every stay at the hotel. Best Western posts frequently on their Facebook page like daily, sometimes multiple times in one day. The Best Western has great colours and the attention of many people with:
- 1,121,483 follows
- 1,546 photos and many videos
The most popular keyword that the Best Western uses is #bestwestern and for Sandman hotel its #dreamwithSandman. The Sandman hotel Facebook page has light colours,
- 25,094 follows
- 92 reviews on their page
The Sandman posts less but still has rewards, promotions, discounts, coupons and advertising on their Facebook page. For example, the Sandman hotel posted a promotion saying “receive up to $75 in AMEX Gift Cards per night”. Both brands have their information on their page like their website, phone number and hours. Best Western and Sandman hotels follow the 50/50 rule because they keep readers engaged, keep things interesting, repost, share great deals and post videos that viewers may like. Sandman hotel’s most successful recent post was on September 27 when they gave customers a chance to win a $250 Amex gift card. This post had 730 likes and 627 people shared the post, meaning people were interested in winning the card. A copy of the post is shown below.
As for Best Western’s most successful recent post, it was on October 21 on “7 Amazing Adventures Hidden in Alberta’s Rugged Rocky Mountains” because it had 906 likes and 125 people shared the post meaning that people were interested in the post. A copy of the post is shown below.
Social media is a great way to find information on hotels like Best Western and Sandman Hotels because it shows what promotions they offer and shares reviews from people that stayed at the hotels giving you an idea of what the hotel and service is like.
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